
Do Many People Use Voice Search in Ireland?

11th June '24

The growth of modern technology has changed how we think, communicate and learn. The fastest-growing technology is voice search. Voice search provides convenience, improved accessibility, improved productivity and entertainment. Many people prefer to use voice because it is just easy to use voice search to search for something online.

voice search

How Many People Use Voice Search in Ireland?

Yes, many people use voice search in Ireland. Pure Telecom reports that 72% of adults living in Ireland use voice search. One in five adults living in Ireland owns a smart speaker. Therefore, they use their voice assistants to listen to the radio, listen to music, check the weather and search for information online.

Voice search facilitates multitasking and makes fewer mistakes. That is why many people use voice search while cooking, showering, driving, working, exercising, watching TV and even when in bed. In general, voice search is getting more and more popular in Ireland.

Why You Should Consider Voice Search for Your Business in Ireland?

The internet has influenced the way we communicate, learn and work. In fact, many people spend several hours a day on the Internet. And they use voice assistants to search the web. Therefore, your business should have an online presence. Here’s why you should consider voice search for your business in Ireland:

Improves Your Visibility

As mentioned above, voice search is becoming more popular. Some people now prefer to search for information through voice search. You can optimise for voice search to improve your website’s search engine rankings. If your website appears in voice search results, you will reach more people. Voice search can help increase your visibility.

Expands Your Customer Reach

People are no longer afraid to shop online. In fact, many young people prefer online shopping over going to physical stores. If you are not promoting your business online, you could lose leads and customers. You can optimise for voice search to increase your online presence and attract more customers.

Increase Your Website Traffic

It is getting expensive to drive traffic to a website. Fortunately, you do not have to spend an arm and leg to increase your website traffic. Why? You could use voice search to target users who rely on smart speakers and smartphones to find businesses and purchase products on the internet. People will access your website from multiple devices.

Build a Competitive Advantage

Some businesses in Ireland understand the importance of voice search. However, they are not investing in voice search optimisation. They may not spend time and money to test new marketing strategies. So, if you want to stand out and build a competitive advantage over your competitors, you must invest in voice search optimisation.

Improves User Experience

Optimising for voice search can improve user experience. How? It will make your content easier to find in voice search results. You will be able to keep your visitors happy. They will visit your website. And they are more likely to spend more time consuming your content. It is easy to convert these visitors into leads or customers.

voice device

How Do I Optimise My Business for Voice Search in Ireland?

It is easy and simple to optimise your website for voice search. You do not have to purchase expensive tools. You will only spend more time creating content, optimising your content and building a professional website. If, however, you want to see results faster, you must hire a professional to optimise your business for voice search.

Here’s how you can optimise your website for voice search in Ireland

Focus on Local Keywords

You want to target people living in Ireland. In fact, voice searches are highly local-based. Therefore, most voice searches are location specific. You can, therefore, use free keyword research tools to find appropriate local keywords. By the way, it is easy to rank for local keywords.

Write the Way You Speak

If you were to type something on the search bar of the search engine, you would use short phrases. However, if you use voice search, you will use longer phrases. Voice search is more practical than typing. Therefore, you will need to write the way you speak. Your content should sound more like the way you talk.

Build a Fast Website

Do you have a website? Improving your website speed is one of the fastest ways to improve your search engine rankings. You, therefore, need to optimise your images and videos, compress your files and use website caching to improve your website speed. You should also optimise your website for mobile.

Leverage Featured Snippets

People are looking for quick answers. So, make it easy for your visitors to find what they are looking for. How? You could leverage featured snippets. How? You will provide a concise and direct answer to their question. Featured snippets usually appear on top of the search results. They will bring organic traffic to your website.

Final Thoughts

So, do many people use voice search in Ireland? Voice search is becoming more and more popular due to the rise in popularity of voice assistants, such as Apple Siri, Google Assistant, Microsoft Cortana and Amazon Alexa. That is why many people use voice search in Ireland. Therefore, your business needs to adapt to focus on voice search.

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